

Thursday, August 29, 2019


Juneau hate group has blocked any attempts at successfully filing a protective order against a predator that lives next to me. I haven’t broken any laws & they have taken it upon themselves to serial report me to police. I was maliciously thrown in jail & had a corrupt judge, DA & cops on my case. Corrupt police are admittedly in on the daily harassment that I’m getting through private emails.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019



Well, here’s an interesting piece for you. An alcoholic stalker recently decided to give me a piece of his mind, and believe me whenever I say that there was not much to go on. The way the world works according to this demeaning alcoholic predator is quite possibly the dumbest thing I’ve personally ever heard a drinky crow even say to me.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019



5150 – Detention of Mentally Disordered Persons for Evaluation and Treatment. When a person, as a result of a mental health disorder, is a danger to others, or to himself or herself, or gravely disabled, a peace officer, professional person in charge of a facility designated by the county for evaluation and treatment, member of the attending staff, as defined by regulation, of a facility designated by the county for evaluation and treatment, designated members of a mobile crisis team, or professional person designated by the county may, upon probable cause, take, or cause to be taken, the person into custody for a period of up to 72 hours for assessment, evaluation, and crisis intervention, or placement for evaluation and treatment in a facility designated by the county for evaluation and treatment and approved by the State Department of Health Care Services. –California Legislative Information

Monday, August 19, 2019



“Detective” Taylor is a Crisis Response Team investigator, and while I was at OfficeMax, I assume that since this is a small town and that word travels very fast, that he decided that this was a great opportunity for him to call without me recording him. Upon speaking with him, he admits that he has no idea why I was forwarded to him, but then reveals that he is a Crisis Response Team investigator and not an actual detective like I was promised. He makes plenty of suggestions to go see a doctor, pries for information about which doctor’s offices I have been to, and keeps suggesting to see a Family Doctor/Primary Care Physician and carries on to say that they are all “mandated reporters” and that I should seek help.

Thursday, August 8, 2019


This video was recorded on Saturday, August 3rd at 8:05 PM. Yep, you can clearly see that this guy driving the fire truck named Cheyenne Sanchez is a certified narcissist. There’s no opinion about this. He displays wild fits of narcissism. He actually thinks that he’s so important and superior to others that he’s convinced that he can use your taxpayer funded fire engine to run his personal errand. This video begs the question of what he forgot at home that was so important that he’d actually use a fire truck to stop by his house real quick and grab whatever this is that he might claim that “he forgot.”

This self righteous neighbor of mine actually had the nerve to try to shut me down when canvassing the neighborhood for my presidential campaign instead of trying to understand my story and celebrate the fact that he’s got a presidential candidate living on the same block as him. In fact, he’s quite territorially threatened that someone, in his apparent opinion, is one–upping him. He can’t stand it. He won’t be outdone is the attitude that he evidently has about himself. Why do I say that? Because, for one, he’s gone out of his way to date the girl next door, be very public about it, and use this as an attempt to get under my skin. I’ve got news for him, I am not worried about dating her, not in the least. The only reason I even care about that at all is that she’s going to find out the hard way what kind of narcissist this guy really is. She has kids, and after the way he’s been acting towards me, I am generally concerned for their safety around him. Just some food for thought: I was with someone for four years until I ultimately realized what kind of narcissistic psycho that I was living with. But, alas, their relationship is none of my business. However, they’re trying to no end to make their relationship (whatever it may be) my business. But, personally, as I said, I don’t care. The only thing that even remotely concerns me is the well being of her kids and the fact that he’s so intent on displaying the fact that they’re talking. Who does that? A narcissist, that’s who.

Well, I officially had enough of his antics when I saw him bring this fire truck to his part of the block and then park it in front of his part of the duplex that he lives in to run his personal errand, all while blocking other cars in while he does it like he just doesn’t have time to care about other people’s needs. As a parent, I have wondered what his motivation for talking to the nice neighbor lady is. She seems friendly, so I have spoken to her a couple times telling her about my presidential campaign and the toothpaste that I make and sell from home. However, he’s not as nice as she is. In fact, he’s very rude and condescending, even while in front of the kids. When I asked him, loud enough for him to hear while he was halfway across the street, if his superiors knew about his personal errand run with the tax payer funded fire engine, he scoffs and tells me to “keep it down.” But keep in mind that it’s merely 7 PM, I’m not going out of my way to actually bother anybody, and I am only asking him loud enough for him to hear, because I’m just not sure if he can actually hear me over all that narcissistic ego stroking he’s doing to himself inside his head. Oh, I’m sure he’s listening, but is he hearing me?

“And today, he backed that up by saying his crews are not permitted to drive around on personal errands, but they can go together in groups to the gym and out for meals, keeping the fire truck fully staffed so they can quickly respond together to emergencies.”
Article: Fire trucks on grocery runs? Unlikely as new policy develops, limiting non-emergency use.