

Thursday, August 8, 2019


This video was recorded on Saturday, August 3rd at 8:05 PM. Yep, you can clearly see that this guy driving the fire truck named Cheyenne Sanchez is a certified narcissist. There’s no opinion about this. He displays wild fits of narcissism. He actually thinks that he’s so important and superior to others that he’s convinced that he can use your taxpayer funded fire engine to run his personal errand. This video begs the question of what he forgot at home that was so important that he’d actually use a fire truck to stop by his house real quick and grab whatever this is that he might claim that “he forgot.”

This self righteous neighbor of mine actually had the nerve to try to shut me down when canvassing the neighborhood for my presidential campaign instead of trying to understand my story and celebrate the fact that he’s got a presidential candidate living on the same block as him. In fact, he’s quite territorially threatened that someone, in his apparent opinion, is one–upping him. He can’t stand it. He won’t be outdone is the attitude that he evidently has about himself. Why do I say that? Because, for one, he’s gone out of his way to date the girl next door, be very public about it, and use this as an attempt to get under my skin. I’ve got news for him, I am not worried about dating her, not in the least. The only reason I even care about that at all is that she’s going to find out the hard way what kind of narcissist this guy really is. She has kids, and after the way he’s been acting towards me, I am generally concerned for their safety around him. Just some food for thought: I was with someone for four years until I ultimately realized what kind of narcissistic psycho that I was living with. But, alas, their relationship is none of my business. However, they’re trying to no end to make their relationship (whatever it may be) my business. But, personally, as I said, I don’t care. The only thing that even remotely concerns me is the well being of her kids and the fact that he’s so intent on displaying the fact that they’re talking. Who does that? A narcissist, that’s who.

Well, I officially had enough of his antics when I saw him bring this fire truck to his part of the block and then park it in front of his part of the duplex that he lives in to run his personal errand, all while blocking other cars in while he does it like he just doesn’t have time to care about other people’s needs. As a parent, I have wondered what his motivation for talking to the nice neighbor lady is. She seems friendly, so I have spoken to her a couple times telling her about my presidential campaign and the toothpaste that I make and sell from home. However, he’s not as nice as she is. In fact, he’s very rude and condescending, even while in front of the kids. When I asked him, loud enough for him to hear while he was halfway across the street, if his superiors knew about his personal errand run with the tax payer funded fire engine, he scoffs and tells me to “keep it down.” But keep in mind that it’s merely 7 PM, I’m not going out of my way to actually bother anybody, and I am only asking him loud enough for him to hear, because I’m just not sure if he can actually hear me over all that narcissistic ego stroking he’s doing to himself inside his head. Oh, I’m sure he’s listening, but is he hearing me?

“And today, he backed that up by saying his crews are not permitted to drive around on personal errands, but they can go together in groups to the gym and out for meals, keeping the fire truck fully staffed so they can quickly respond together to emergencies.”
Article: Fire trucks on grocery runs? Unlikely as new policy develops, limiting non-emergency use.


Edit: Dispatch now reports that several Fire & Rescue calls were reported on the night of the structure fire, that no reports are shown from me about any of them even though 2 were said to have been filed back to back, and that none of the Capitol City Fire & Rescue calls were deemed suspicious. (Updated 7:37AM 8/8/19)

(Posted 8/7/19 - 2:35 AM)
In the Capitol of Alaska, there’s an active investigation into yet another structure fire that happened at around 1:45 AM Alaskan Standard Time, or at least there should be. When calling dispatch, they confirmed that there was a structure fire, but they could not give me anymore details other than that. I preemptively reached for providing answers about the situation by going ahead and filing a report with dispatch over who I think may have done it. But what’s to note is that the second time I called dispatch, the lady who answered my call at 2:21 AM didn’t plan on taking a report even though I said that I had information that could be pertinent to the case. I flat out had to convince her that if she was a good dispatcher, that she would be excited or even willing to take the report without me having to point out that it’s strange that she doesn’t care to take the report. And yes, I do have this call audio recorded.

The fact that serial structure fires happen out here is not a coincidence, which means that we can place a safe bet that this was no accident, and that if someone rules this as an accident, that person should and will be looked at like they’re crazy. But don’t allow me to rush you to judgement just yet, because you don’t know my experiences with the suspects and you definitely don’t know the full story…. But, if you very well do know what happened, the who done it, and you’re not telling the proper authorities, then allow me to remind you that you are withholding evidence and can and will be held on an account of accessories to the crime. I speak for everyone here that’s a good person when I say that the locals here are tired of the asinine and childish behavior, and I also speak for them when I say that if you want to play with fire, then you’re going to get burned in the fourth degree.

When you’ve got a problem with someone, you tend to wear your attitude towards this person on your sleeve. Where am I going with this you might be asking? Well, if I was to believe the dense-minded individuals that inhabit this beautiful nature–wonderland, I would say we’re going straight to hell. As a matter of fact, according to them, this place is already hell. Says so on the top of a doorway in an alley downtown. However, I refuse to believe the dimwitted hooligan that painted it up there. Took me a while to narrow down who would be stupid enough to write the word “hell” in the small condensed area of downtown where this could easily be seen by any tourist walking by if they just happened to look down the alley way while perusing the area. And in fact, noticing someone’s childish satanic tagging didn’t take me very long at all, and believe me when I say that I proverbially “raised hell” when I found out about it when I paid a visit to City Hall, questioning who was stupid enough to think that doing something like that in a tourist town was cool. No one had an answer for me, so I had to do some digging of my own, and now I think I’ve actually found the dunce who did this.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019


A drawing of a goofy vampire with big ears in black and white
Members of Satanic cults like the Illuminati are subjected to brainwashing, and this is why some of them get obsessed with drinking human blood. Link: http://thoughtcrimer … for-Mind-Control.pdf Above is a link to a PDF article that explains how to deprogram mind control victims. This is information you’ve never read before. It also talks about the CIAs MK Ultra research and Nazi connection. If you find the above article interesting make print outs and copies because it may be suppressed.

Unless you have been a vegetarian since birth, you have almost certainly eaten adrenalized meat. The adrenaline in the meat is like a drug that makes you feel stronger and powerful. The people who run the modern meat producing industry know this and deliberately design the packing plants so to terrorize the animals before they are slaughtered–creating adrenalized meat. People become addicted to eating adrenalized meat and buy more of it. But the practice of creating adrenalized meat is nothing new, in fact it is an ancient secret art, associated with the occult. When I was a child I knew a farmer who produced adrenalized goat’s blood–which generational Satanists like to drink. I drank some once, not in a ritual but just out of youthful curiosity. I took a long hike in the woods afterwards where I noticed that I could walk longer and faster than usual.

The man who harvested this goat’s blood like to mix it with wine and herbs–calling it mysticated wine. The members of his coven believed that it gave them occultic powers and that they lived longer. I am not a Satanist, but I knew some when I was young and have had some contact with Illuminati insiders in recent years. Something that I’ve known about, which I think other people should know about, is that among the generationally wealthy Luciferian aristocrats there is the habit of drinking adrenalized human blood. For these aristocrats, the ideal form of human blood is from a healthy child who is ritualistically sacrificed. Such adrenalized blood is really an addictive drug. The difference between the adrenalized meat that you’ve eaten and the adrenalized blood that the global elite drink is like the difference between chewing coca leaf and smoking crack cocaine.

Former FBI special agent Ted Gunderson, when he was still alive, often pointed out that the FBI kept exact records of every bank robbery in America but couldn’t tell you how many children go missing in this country. Ted Gunderson did extensive research on this subject and he estimated that about 2500 children go missing every day. This takes place every day, here in America! Mundane explanations can account for a small percentage of these–but most are being sold into sex trade, and some are sold to generational Satanists who ritualistically sacrifice them. In such rituals the abducted children are terrorized and tortured, which adrenalizes their blood. Then they are killed and their blood is harvested. This blood is given to wealthy Illuminati aristocrats who are addicted to drinking it. Not all billionaires are blood drinkers, but some are.


A milkweed butterfly on a black background
The “one-eye” is a symbol of the Illuminati and it represents the “all seeing eye”, which is representative of intelligence, wisdom and enlightenment in a worldly, secular or non-Christian understanding of the world. It also is suggestive that the “all seeing eye” see’s all and is always watching everyone. It is essentially a symbol of the Illuminati, who practices Luciferian doctrine and worships Satan.

The Illuminati runs and controls most of the music industry and many of the most popular artists in the world and whether they know it or not, are apart of the Illuminati and are crafted and ghost- written by some of the most worldly and secular minds the Illuminati has to offer. These artists are contracted and in return for fame and fortune beyond normal successes are pursuaded and cohersed, unknowingly or knowingly to sing certain messages in their songs as well as sell their souls to the devil for their fame and fortune to be continued to be enabled, supported and allowed to happen. This is not at all a figure of speech, but these artists are literally required to “sell their souls” to the devil in exchange for promoting their ideals amd agenda through music crafted (both vocals and instrumentals) to spiritually influence the minds of people in the world.

Thursday, August 1, 2019


Unhappy locals
Since residents in the Alaskan Capital are so obsessed with pointing the finger (There are three pointing right back at you) at the possible instability of the Mental Health of people other than themselves for no reason other than their own personal self-gain or ill-begotten hidden agenda, let’s watch a video that discusses the differences between a Narcissist, Sociopath, and a Psychopath. After watching the following video, you will have a better understanding about the people you interact with on the daily. You’ll be able see how those who pretend to care about other people’s Mental Health so much (not necessarily their own) might actually fit into these categories themselves with no room to point the finger at someone else for any kind of unverifiable “hear-say” of their rumored Mental Health instability. As a person that takes extreme measures to make sure that I am coming from a place of peace and compassion, I feel that it’s incredibly rude and disrespectful to try to make someone who is completely sane out to look like the psychopath that they’re not. These backhanded comments of accusing others of incidents that they either didn’t do in the first place, or were severely agitated or coerced into doing are not tolerated. The violator(s) tend to tout and market their completely fabricated false claims and then over–exaggerate these false claims until the point of flat out absurdness, then try to use this blasphemy as the holy grail of evidence of someone’s possible deterioration of mental health, when in fact, their own behavior screams of predatory control over the subject, person’s future, or even incidents that don’t even exist until they utter their fabricated and interwoven lies.

“As you learn more about narcissism, you may uncover a distinct lack of conscience in some. You wonder, “Am I dealing with a sociopath, or worse?” Psychotherapist Dr. Les Carter explains commonalities and distinctions regarding narcissists, sociopaths, and psychopaths.”