

Wednesday, August 7, 2019


Trump says, “There was no collusion in the report” after saying that he’s, “actually a very honest guy” and I wanted to point out what the person writing the report wrote when they mentioned the word collusion.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019


A drawing of a goofy vampire with big ears in black and white
Members of Satanic cults like the Illuminati are subjected to brainwashing, and this is why some of them get obsessed with drinking human blood. Link: http://thoughtcrimer … for-Mind-Control.pdf Above is a link to a PDF article that explains how to deprogram mind control victims. This is information you’ve never read before. It also talks about the CIAs MK Ultra research and Nazi connection. If you find the above article interesting make print outs and copies because it may be suppressed.

Unless you have been a vegetarian since birth, you have almost certainly eaten adrenalized meat. The adrenaline in the meat is like a drug that makes you feel stronger and powerful. The people who run the modern meat producing industry know this and deliberately design the packing plants so to terrorize the animals before they are slaughtered–creating adrenalized meat. People become addicted to eating adrenalized meat and buy more of it. But the practice of creating adrenalized meat is nothing new, in fact it is an ancient secret art, associated with the occult. When I was a child I knew a farmer who produced adrenalized goat’s blood–which generational Satanists like to drink. I drank some once, not in a ritual but just out of youthful curiosity. I took a long hike in the woods afterwards where I noticed that I could walk longer and faster than usual.

The man who harvested this goat’s blood like to mix it with wine and herbs–calling it mysticated wine. The members of his coven believed that it gave them occultic powers and that they lived longer. I am not a Satanist, but I knew some when I was young and have had some contact with Illuminati insiders in recent years. Something that I’ve known about, which I think other people should know about, is that among the generationally wealthy Luciferian aristocrats there is the habit of drinking adrenalized human blood. For these aristocrats, the ideal form of human blood is from a healthy child who is ritualistically sacrificed. Such adrenalized blood is really an addictive drug. The difference between the adrenalized meat that you’ve eaten and the adrenalized blood that the global elite drink is like the difference between chewing coca leaf and smoking crack cocaine.

Former FBI special agent Ted Gunderson, when he was still alive, often pointed out that the FBI kept exact records of every bank robbery in America but couldn’t tell you how many children go missing in this country. Ted Gunderson did extensive research on this subject and he estimated that about 2500 children go missing every day. This takes place every day, here in America! Mundane explanations can account for a small percentage of these–but most are being sold into sex trade, and some are sold to generational Satanists who ritualistically sacrifice them. In such rituals the abducted children are terrorized and tortured, which adrenalizes their blood. Then they are killed and their blood is harvested. This blood is given to wealthy Illuminati aristocrats who are addicted to drinking it. Not all billionaires are blood drinkers, but some are.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019


a hater sitting behind a computer screen while visiting a site
Someone going by the alias of “michtypoo” with the IP address of “” will not quit stalking me. This person claims I’ll be investigated, however, doesn’t say for what charges. They even go on to post links on these articles that either don’t work when you click them, or they don’t have anything incriminating on the page once you click through. I’ve deleted every comment simply because the comments are not constructive criticism, nor do they have anything substantial to contribute to the article, so why should I care if I delete it? Their comments are spammy, misleading, exposing personal info, or just flat out harassment.

Saturday, July 27, 2019


Fake News is that Chance Trahan plagiarized Daymond John. Anyone who sees this and who has followed Chance on social media knows that this is an outright lie. The evidence looks compelling, but it is simply not true. We give them an E for effort, even though it’s still a sad attempt at libel. We here at ACAP understand your being desperate for a foothold on Chance, however, you should know when to hold em and when to fold em. And in this case, some of you might want to think about holding on for dear life, because, if you’ve been spreading these lies about Chance Trahan, because your reputation is most probably about to hit the crapper.

Thursday, June 27, 2019


What are the odds that three people would target me in one day to be subjected to affirmative action from my boss at my job back to back to back? Yesterday started out nice, but as the day progressed, more and more people started doing more and more things to try to entrap me into some kind of situation that I obviously didn’t belong in in the first place.

First thing is first, when you call back and say that you have recorded audio of someone hanging up on you, you should probably factor into your fabricated story that you were the first to hang up, and also that our phones at work are sometimes malfunctioning, or even the fact that you called from an anonymous number (to book a party reservation) – before you go saying what you’re saying about someone and trying to get someone fired over it. Look, people call my job all day long and have 0 issues with me on the regular, so for someone to suddenly have this big dramatic situation could make you typically look like quite the oddball, and in my personal opinion, this does not look good on you at all.