

Saturday, September 28, 2019


Pig Cop with handcuffs in his hand knocking on the door, he looks very mean and nasty
On March 26th 2019, Juneau PD Police Officer Patrick Vaughan showed up to Chance Trahan’s apartment on the 3800 block of Lee Court to arrest him on a previously non-extraditable warrant that was somehow turned extraditable. Las Vegas Municipal Court has picked up on a warrant for Chance’s arrest on a bogus charge. While the charge would be difficult for the court to prove beyond the shadow of a doubt, the warrant was still enforced as extraditable. When Chance Trahan filed a grievance form with City and Borough of Juneau Risk Management, Risk Management Officer. Jennifer Mannix, had this to say:

Saturday, September 7, 2019


To those of you who are confused by seeing the recent changes in the Walmart and Kroger policy where they ban sales of firearms and ammunition, and them asking that no one be allowed to open carry firearms, allow me to shed some light on the subject. Above, you can see that I am banned from shopping at Fred Meyer, which is Kroger brand, but you may not understand why you are seeing this. As you can see on the criminal trespass notice they have marked their names out twice, banned me indefinitely for “disorderly conduct,” and it looks like whoever filled this out was either on drugs, or has the mental capacity of a toddler with crayons working on their first piece of art. Why they would scratch their names out on an official criminal trespass notice is beyond me. I’ve tried to make sense of this paperwork for the last two months and I just can’t. It’s a hot mess. Apparently documenting people that work for the store that are harassing you by means of stalking is against the rules; per corporate.

Let’s break this down though. On 6/7/19 at 3:45PM I was being followed around by this guy in the video below. He previously had been following me around the store, stalking me about, as you can see in the video below. This made me a bit uncomfortable, so I confronted him by saying “What’s up?” He said, “Hey,” back to me, but then proceeded to follow me while on the phone. When he continued to do this, I got upset and decided it was time to document his stalking. At the time, I had no idea who he even was. And I didn’t find out that he was security until the day that I received the criminal trespass notice above. An “Officer Ward” was one of the police involved in this incident, and the responding officer is unnamed as far as I know.

Thursday, August 29, 2019


Juneau hate group has blocked any attempts at successfully filing a protective order against a predator that lives next to me. I haven’t broken any laws & they have taken it upon themselves to serial report me to police. I was maliciously thrown in jail & had a corrupt judge, DA & cops on my case. Corrupt police are admittedly in on the daily harassment that I’m getting through private emails.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019



5150 – Detention of Mentally Disordered Persons for Evaluation and Treatment. When a person, as a result of a mental health disorder, is a danger to others, or to himself or herself, or gravely disabled, a peace officer, professional person in charge of a facility designated by the county for evaluation and treatment, member of the attending staff, as defined by regulation, of a facility designated by the county for evaluation and treatment, designated members of a mobile crisis team, or professional person designated by the county may, upon probable cause, take, or cause to be taken, the person into custody for a period of up to 72 hours for assessment, evaluation, and crisis intervention, or placement for evaluation and treatment in a facility designated by the county for evaluation and treatment and approved by the State Department of Health Care Services. –California Legislative Information

Friday, August 9, 2019


Governmental agency that handles US Immigrations and Customs Enforcement just performed one of their biggest busts ever, and netted a total of 680 arrests. The raids took place at seven different food processing plants in just Mississippi alone and consisted in small town busts where many things can easily go under the radar, unless you happen to be a local to one of these vicinities. Locals tend to notice mostly everything in a small town, and operations may seem to be going well, but that certainly doesn’t mean that the people surrounding said corrupt operations don’t notice. Both owners and employees of the companies in question are under fire and having to answer to authorities, and are seemingly not excited about the publicity they’re getting. (Then again, who would be?) ICE agents are said to be using a military facility to appropriate due processing following the heavyweight bust.