

Friday, January 17, 2020


Chance Trahan 2020 calls Donald Trump a RINO

LOS ANGELES - Jan. 14, 2020 –– With Twitter giving Politics and MSM nowhere to hide, Chance Trahan, who is a 2020 US Presidential Candidate, is making quite a scene and giving all of his opponents a run for their money. No one will admit that Chance has chosen a more traditional route than all the rest of the candidates when campaigning for US President, and that it’s actually working. He’s taking his campaign and information one person at a time, and results show that the people are reacting to what he’s got to say. He’s a candidate who’s not taking any big money at all to compete and he’s certainly not shy to speak his piece.

“Sad that no one wants to debate me as a candidate, in fact, they’re quite afraid to. Just look at how many candidates have dropped out already. No one wants to support someone that got caught by me and other independent journalists bold–faced lying about scandals in the media. I don’t do like they do, I get all my campaign’s donation money from locals and I’m taking a real Grassroots effort to campaign for 2020 Presidency. The truth will come out if I enter a televised debate, and you can believe me when I say these corrupt politicians don’t want you to witness that. They’re so desperate to avoid me being put into a position–of–power that there’s over 20 Democratic candidates running just to make sure that I stay undiscovered – but here I am, shining,” he stated.

“Trump has turned the White House into one big Reality Television show. Look, if you think that Donald is a Republican, then you might want to think again. He’s been a lifelong Democrat. You don’t just wake up one day and suddenly decide that you’re a different party. It’s not that easy. Trust me, I tried. Trump is a RINO (Republican In Name Only) through and through, like I also suggest that McCain and Mitt Romney is, and boy, does The Donald have a lot of people fooled. I’m a lifelong Nonpartisan, which is the choice of the Military. My whole family is Republican though, hence how I’m so good at spotting a RINO.” Trahan continued.

Chance Trahan’s party preference seems to be a pretty bold choice, considering that the path he chose leaves voters tasked with actually having to write his name on the ballot – should they decide to take a chance on Chance in the voting booth this November.

Learn more about Chance Trahan’s Presidential Platform:

Chance Trahan