

Monday, May 20, 2019


Chance Trahan visits the Alaska State Capitol in May of 2019

Chance Trahan with the Kelli Ward for US Senate campaign team at the Phoenix, Arizona Gun Show in 2015

Friday, May 10, 2019


First we have this modified mock crash–landing in “Bin Laden’s backyard”

Thursday, May 9, 2019


Osama bin Laden’s son says his father is still alive

Omar Bin Laden, the son of fugitive terrorist Osama Bin Laden, has said that he believes his father is still alive, although he does not know where he is.
15 Jul 2010

“My dad is on the Earth but I don’t know where. He’s still alive. If that sort of person dies, you could never make it a secret. The world changes if he dies,” he said in an interview.

Mr Bin Laden, 29, said he still loved his father, but he does not want to be like him.

“It’s a weak son who just wants to be like his daddy,” he told the Sun.

“I still love him - of course I do - he’s my father. That’s a normal human situation. I miss him as a father but we are different. I want peace.”

Mr Bin Laden also spoke about his love of American culture, saying that he enjoys Jim Carrey films, American football, rock music and even Laurel And Hardy.


Osama Bin Laden’s son complained Tuesday that his father was summarily executed - if he’s really dead - and demanded proof from President Obama.

“We are not convinced on the available evidence in the absence of [a] dead body,” said Omar Bin Laden, 30, who said he was speaking for his many brothers.

The son, who long ago denounced his father’s murderous ways, said Obama was no better than the terrorist.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019



Tony Johnson from Yakutat, Alaska commented “Next” on a For Sale post I listed in the Facebook group of Alaska Buy ~ Sell ~ Trade. When I responded with, “Thanks for the post bump, Tony 🥰”…. mere moments later I was slammed with several verification methods. It seems to be the Alaskan local troll’s favorite way to get someone suspended from Facebook– is to claim that someone is not the real person behind the account, and that will immediately lock you out of the account, unlist your page from the website, and force you to verify in several different ways.

Facebook allows their system to be taken advantage of when it comes to what I call, “hate–reporting” which means that they hate you so much they they will do what is called “hate–f***ing the report button”. The troll happy individuals have a team sitting in a group chat ready to “hate–f*** the report button” as soon as you reply. You could reply with the nicest comment, as you have seen me just do via my testimony– and it does not matter. They will hate–report you anyways. It’s a trap, and a way for hate–groups to dodge any kind of accountability. However, when you can trace back on your actions– (via browser history or from memory), then you will know who the most probable person hate–reporting you is.

Alaskan Governor, Mike Dunleavy, is also “allegedly” guilty of “hate-reporting” via Twitter. He can’t take the heat from an opinionated and frustrated citizen whom approaches him at all. We had Mike Dunleavy elected because he seemed to properly represent Alaska, Alaskans, and the local government. Well, all he’s seemingly managed to do so far is piss off Alaskans everywhere with his “alleged” Koch bros allegiance, and proposal of ridiculously awful budget cuts. What’s even more interesting to note is the fact that Dunleavy hides himself and his tweets behind a protected Twitter account in the same fashion that he hides himself inside of the State Capitol building’s Governor’s office. (What a protected Twitter account means is that you can’t see any of the content he posts.)

Which leads me to an even more interesting point…. Donald Trump is not allowed to block anyone or hide his tweets because he is the President and some people might not be able to receive Presidential messages and statements, which the American Government says is something that everyone should have the right to. Well, if that’s true about The President…. then how come the rest of the Donald Trump hating goons in Government aren’t having to play by those same rules? (Mueller has either hidden or deleted his Twitter altogether.)

Since everyone posing as a Democrat these days all want equality, including being equal to the President…. then all Government employees should have to abide by those same rules. Do you agree? Look, we’ve taken a drastic detour from the original point, however, American Government could stand to be drastically reduced, along with many of the politicians currently in office whom are Republican in name only (RINO) or even Democrat in name only (DINO) should be removed immediately. But what could possibly make matters any more worse than all of these things and behaviors mentioned in this article? Keep reading and I’ll tell you.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019


Swearing in on no Bible? Suspicious.

Swearing in on Quran with idol? Offensive.

Are you playing hide the book cover…. What are you doing?