

Thursday, August 1, 2019


Unhappy locals
Since residents in the Alaskan Capital are so obsessed with pointing the finger (There are three pointing right back at you) at the possible instability of the Mental Health of people other than themselves for no reason other than their own personal self-gain or ill-begotten hidden agenda, let’s watch a video that discusses the differences between a Narcissist, Sociopath, and a Psychopath. After watching the following video, you will have a better understanding about the people you interact with on the daily. You’ll be able see how those who pretend to care about other people’s Mental Health so much (not necessarily their own) might actually fit into these categories themselves with no room to point the finger at someone else for any kind of unverifiable “hear-say” of their rumored Mental Health instability. As a person that takes extreme measures to make sure that I am coming from a place of peace and compassion, I feel that it’s incredibly rude and disrespectful to try to make someone who is completely sane out to look like the psychopath that they’re not. These backhanded comments of accusing others of incidents that they either didn’t do in the first place, or were severely agitated or coerced into doing are not tolerated. The violator(s) tend to tout and market their completely fabricated false claims and then over–exaggerate these false claims until the point of flat out absurdness, then try to use this blasphemy as the holy grail of evidence of someone’s possible deterioration of mental health, when in fact, their own behavior screams of predatory control over the subject, person’s future, or even incidents that don’t even exist until they utter their fabricated and interwoven lies.

“As you learn more about narcissism, you may uncover a distinct lack of conscience in some. You wonder, “Am I dealing with a sociopath, or worse?” Psychotherapist Dr. Les Carter explains commonalities and distinctions regarding narcissists, sociopaths, and psychopaths.”

Watch the video: … /watch?v=XZOOA9heAf0