

Monday, June 3, 2019


Alaska, your resident Presidential Candidate (Chance Trahan) is holding a Town Hall at the Mendenhall Valley Public Library this Tuesday on June 4th starting at 6:30PM where he will be answering your questions about his campaign and what issues he plans to face while elected as president.

Chance is often called Chance the Rapper because he actually does rap, and he performs rap music quite well. He’s built a core of followers that don’t even follow him at all, simply because he just won’t let them. That’s no concern to Chance, or even to the friends who surf onto his every digital media post. If he posts it online, they will find it. And don’t let the numbers of downloads or views on his content fool you, because even though it tends to look bleak in some places, he posts his content across several platforms and most people just download the video without ever watching, or they just find other ways to steal the content. If you ask Chance what he thinks about that, he actually encourages it. He doesn’t care about views or how much airtime his content gets, he just doesn’t have enough time in the day to do so.

You would think, someone with such a passion for creativity would be more upset about people not giving him ratings, likes, or even comments, but to someone like Chance, he just can’t be bothered with the notifications. Basically, according to him, he suggests that you should only be contacting him in case of emergency. And with his specialized training along with the case of PTSD that he’s overcome, we can clearly see why.


Trahan received personalized and private military training geared for NAVY SEAL recruiting preppers. He’s also taken on several forms of Law Enforcement training, specialized weapons training, and has even been shooting guns taller than him since he was 5. No, we definitely disagree with kids getting their hands on such weapons, but, when in Rome.

Chance has faced lots of controversy his whole life, and has faced just as much adversity. When he was a kid, he started school too early because his birthday fell so close to the start of the school year and had to be held back twice because of this. Once in the third grade, and once in the seventh, even though his scores reflected the knowledge he had been taught. One teacher felt as if he just wasn’t emotionally ready to keep up with the older students. This didn’t stop him from wanting to stay with his classmates, but unfortunately he had no choice.

When Trahan had finally settled down and started a family, he was being tugged in a direction he didn’t want to travel, and while he didn’t travel that path, his name was still brought into the scenario, and “revenge porn king” was a title that would follow him — even though it simply just was not true. A friend of his named Craig Brittain took it upon himself to start a porn website, but had only asked Chance to install a WordPress blog without revealing many of the needed details to explain this site Craig was about to start. This was of little importance to Chance, as he was steadily raising a family, and installing a WordPress is so easy to him that he could do it in his sleep. However, Craig would carry on creating and pioneering his porn website. He asked Chance to get involved, but he declined. This was not the only time Craig would ask for help because of what he was doing with the site, but that still didn’t stop Chance from turning him down.

Straying far from porn, Chance has always turned his nose up to the industry in all its many forms. He performs and practices by a standard that won’t allow him to get involved with such hair-raising schemes. He claims to often think of his family first and what they would say about him had he chose that path. He feels as if it’s a downward spiral path that he’d rather not descend down. Chance holds his family’s opinions in high regard, even if he doesn’t like or agree with them. He says that he still respects himself enough to not have to hear the awful things his family will say about him if he somehow chose a career in porn.

That was not the end of the Trahan controversy. Chance would carry on to be the first responder in many scenarios, harnessing his skills and training in order to do so, and garnering lots of attention from it. In fact, Chance Trahan ran for Sheriff of Clark County, Las Vegas, Nevada. What’s even better about this part of his story is that he actually won! The only thing that held him back was a technicality, but the results came in and it was obvious that had Chance had his name on the ballot, that he would have indeed won.

This only put gas in Chance’s engine and a pedal to his floorboard, and he decided to take on presidency campaigning. He feels like Vegas is unofficially the capitol of the world, so if Vegas supported him so much, that maybe the whole country would wake up and speak for him and all of his accomplishments in the 2020 election in the same fashion that Vegas had done for him during his Sheriff campaign.

If Chance Trahan is a presidential candidate that you’re interested in, then be sure to make it to his Town Hall this Tuesday at 6:30pm! See you there.