

Friday, May 10, 2019


First we have this modified mock crash–landing in “Bin Laden’s backyard”

Then we can see how Osama Bin Laden’s photo has been manipulated,

Then we can see the exact photos they used to layer the photo.

then we can see a fake that they previously considered using

Oh, look…. ANOTHER FAKE. (Yeah, you guessed…. they considered using this too)

But looky here…. This is his son Khalid (OR IS THIS DJ KHALED? When he got to America, he started eating junk food, just like any depraved kid would do.) Just look at all this fake ass blood. (I’ve worked with tons of fake blood, I know exactly what in TF it looks like.)

First thing to notice is that Khalid doesn’t look at all like the dead body.
Second thing to notice is that Khalid looks just like sudden rap sensation Khaled. (Where did this guy even come from? Now we know.)


Just look at what Edward Snowden “allegedly” has to say about the death of Osama Bin Laden:

National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden, has made a new controversial claim, saying that he possessed some classified information proving that Osama Bin Laden is still alive.

Snowden, who lives as a fugitive in Russia after leaking documents about the NSA’s surveillance programs has made some previously unreported allegations about the famous terrorist, Osama Bin Laden, during an interview with the Moscow Tribune.

According to him, not only is Bin Laden still alive, but he is living a lavish lifestyle in the Bahamas, thanks to regular payments from the CIA.

“I have documents showing that Bin Laden is still on the CIA’s payroll,” claims Edward Snowden. “He is still receiving more than $100,000 a month, which are being transferred through some front businesses and organizations, directly to his Nassau bank account. I am not certain where he is now, but in 2013, he was living quietly in his villa with five of his wives and many children.”

The terrorist leader Osama Bin Laden was supposedly killed by United States Navy SEALs on May 2 2011, is still alive in a luxurious Nassau suburb.

Mr. Snowden says the CIA orchestrated the fake death of the former leader of Al Qaeda, while he was actually transported with his family in an undisclosed location in the Bahamas.

“Osama Bin Laden was one of the CIA’s most efficient operatives for a long time,” claims the famous whistleblower. “What kind of message would it send their other operatives if they were to let the SEALs kill him? They organized his fake death with the collaboration of the Pakistani Secret services, and he simply abandoned his cover. Since everyone believes he is dead, nobody’s looking for him, so it was pretty easy to disappear. Without the beard and the military jacket, nobody recognizes him.”


Mr. Snowden says that the documents proving that Bin Laden is still alive will be integrally reproduced in his new book, expected to be released in September.

A subject of controversy, Snowden has been variously called a hero, a whistleblower, a dissident, a patriot, and a traitor, for his revelations of thousands of classified documents.

Edward Snowden was hired by an NSA contractor in 2013 after previous employment with Dell and the CIA. In the month of June of the same year, he revealed thousands of classified NSA documents to journalists.

The US government filed espionage charges against him shortly after his revelations were made public. He has been living under asylum in Moscow, after fleeing the US for Hong Kong in the wake of the leaks.

On July 28 2015, the White House has rejected a “We the People” petition of nearly 168,000 signatories, to pardon him.


So where is Osama Bin Laden now? Just look for Barack Hussein Obama…. that will lead you directly to Osama Bin Laden. (Yes, I am revealing to you what people who aren’t a complete dumbass already know and have known for many years already) Barack Hussein Obama is really Osama Bin Laden. And not only that, Michelle Obama is really Michael LaVaughn Robinson.

See what Joan Rivers has to say about “Barack” and “Michelle”.

Joan Rivers had surprise throat biopsy that cut off her air supply, source claims

SEP 09, 2014 | 9:27 PM

Joan Rivers had surprise throat biopsy that cut off her air supply, source claims
A source says Joan Rivers may have been OK if the unplanned biopsy were performed in a hospital instead of an outpatient clinic. The routine surgical procedure Joan Rivers was supposed to undergo turned deadly when a doctor who arrived at the clinic with the legendary comic’s entourage performed an unplanned biopsy on her vocal cords, a medical source who was briefed on the case told The News.

Such a procedure is not supposed to be performed outside of a hospital, according to medical experts.

The Aug. 28 biopsy at Yorkville Endoscopy, an E. 93rd St. clinic that usually only deals with digestive issues, caused Rivers’ vocal chords to seize — a condition doctors call a laryngospasm — cutting off her air supply, the source said.

“A biopsy like that should only be done in a hospital setting,” the source said.

“If she had been in a hospital when it happened, she might have been okay,” the source said.
Yorkville Endoscopy, E. 93rd St. in Manhattan, was where Joan Rivers went for a routine endoscopy. She died after complications during surgery.

Rivers’ doctor — who identified himself as an ear, nose and throat specialist — asked if he could use their instruments when the clinic’s doctor noticed “something” on Rivers’ vocal chords, according to the source.

“He asked and they let him,” the source said. “A huge no-no.”

The source added that the “Fashion Police” star had only signed off on an endoscopy — not the far more dangerous biopsy of her vocal chords.

A representative for Rivers declined to comment. A spokeswoman for Yorkville Endoscopy said she couldn’t comment because of patient confidentiality laws.

Last week, a rep for the clinic described the medical facility to ABC News “as a federally and state licensed facility, has the same level of life-saving and resuscitation devices (such as state-of-the-art cardiac defibrillators, airway management equipment, etc.) found in any hospital emergency room or hospital-based operating room.”

The Yorkville spokesperson added, “Yorkville Endoscopy has performed 18,000 procedures since it opened in February 2013. Yorkville Endoscopy has maintained an exceptional safety record that far exceeds the national average.”

The Brooklyn-born comedian was put in a medically induced coma Aug. 28 and died at Mount Sinai Hospital Sept. 4 after she was removed from life-support. An autopsy performed by the medical examiner was inconclusive and more tests were being done to determine the cause of death.

State health officials said last week they are taking a closer look at the Upper East Side clinic.

“The State Health Department is investigating the matter,” agency spokesman James O’Hare said.

There is no criminal investigation of the clinic.

Rivers was undergoing what friends have described as “a diagnostic procedure [to] see why her voice had gotten raspy.”

She was under general anesthesia when something went wrong and 911 was called from Yorkville Endoscopy at approximately 9:39 a.m.

By 9:46 a.m., paramedics and other first responders were on the scene and when Rivers arrived at Mount Sinai Hospital at 10:08 a.m. she was already on life support, according to reports.

Rivers was eulogized Sunday at a star-studded funeral at Temple Emanu-El on the Upper East Side by pals Howard Stern and Deborah Norville.

The service also included a solo from Tony-winning actress Audra McDonald, who sang “Smile,” and Hugh Jackman, who sang “Quiet Please There’a Lady on Stage.”

Outside the synagogue, the streets were lined with throngs of fans and paparazzi — just as she had wished.


Here are some pics for you to ponder on!!!! (The proof is in the pudding, folks! Or in this case…. the pants, haha!)








Obama won’t release Osama photos, looks to the right because he’s lying, stumbles on his words because, again…. he’s lying.


“It didn’t matter where we were from.” Obama just can’t stop lying about his “actions” to “get Osama Bin Laden” when we all know that this never happened.

Just look at how many kids this infidel Osama Bin Laden (Barack Hussein Obama) has had….