A little over an hour ago you could hear a siren going off in the Valley of Auke Bay. “What kind of siren was this,” I was thinking, “That doesn’t sound like a police siren,” I told myself. I took just a moment to ponder & listen for which type of siren that was, “That’s a fire truck siren,” I said to myself, and what’ll you know– my instincts served me correctly. But, that’s not even the story here.
You’re interested in this story because the title tells you that there was a structure fire in Alaska’s Capital and dispatch said it wasn’t newsworthy in their opinion. If you ask me, (which you didn’t) any type of incident where Fire & Rescue has to be dispatched is not only newsworthy, but some kind of emergency. Otherwise, why are they blaring their siren and responding to a call? There’s no reason to keep you waiting any longer for the deets, so let’s just jump right into the call that was placed. Click play on the media player below to listen.