

Tuesday, February 19, 2019


Right now– FBI sources (And Postal Investigation) are attempting to confirm as fact what the two brothers Jussie hired to play–beat him up are claiming…. That he sent himself the letters (that he’s made that no one cared about) to the famed Empire studio in Chicago, where he worked at (pretty sure he won’t be working with them for quite a while again, if ever).

Jussie just couldn’t seem to get enough attention (or money) as the star of Fox’s hit–show, Empire. So, what did he do? I allege that he couldn’t resist political dark–money. I also allege that he based his sent–to–self hate–mail on the things I’m saying. It wasn’t just a desperate cry for attention, it was also a desperate play made by democrats. Why’s that? Well, because– it just goes to show you how much faith they put into lazy actors and even lazier musicians.

Corrupt political figures have indeed taken over Hollywood. And based on the reports found, edited and posted on here yesterday about Malia “Obama” and her Weinberg internship, I can clearly see how, and why their sneaky slimy take–over had happened. Boy, next thing you know you’re seeing tons of films and shows copying Sheriff’s original work. Plagiarism of his work was all over the place. It was infecting almost every inch of his most favorite brands.

His most favorite shows were being cancelled, then those people had shade and a slew of smear campaigns slung at them like mud, AND FOR NO REASON. False claims of racism and hate speech were thrown at them, namely towards Phil Robertson. I am not here to make a stand for bigotry and racism, that’s not about to happen. However, allow me to explain this from an African–American’s perspective….

When an older white–person says a racial slur, some African–Americans chalk that up as, “He’s just old–school”, and there’s nothing really racist about it, cuz that was just their “racist” upbringing. Not every African–American would say this in response to a racial slur, but when this African–American in question has an unfair advantage over the old crippled–man, is he really going to beat–up his boss over a word? It’s just a word, and some people come from very different places, and from very different families.

Can you truly blame someone for the way they were raised? No, but you can also educate this person as to why what they’re doing is not okay. But, in the same sense, if you don’t want to watch Phil Robertson…. then change the channel. I don’t see anyone screaming and crying about porn being hosted on the internet, and porn has some of the most nastiest of all content in the world. So, why are shows like this getting the can if politicians (or the kids of these politicians that no one really even recognizes in normal day–to–day life) aren’t inserting themselves into the entertainment world like they’re some rockin’ rocket–rollerskating rockstar?

Isn’t that a conflict of interest? I just don’t understand how you can send your daughter off to some Hollyweird company to intern, just for you to really be the intern via proxy, thinking that this all won’t catch up to you…. and then turn around and try to cover the whole thing up like no one would catch up to you on that too? Are we playing Catch Me If You Can? Cause, the votes came in, and Las Vegas said Sheriff can catch you if Sheriff wants to. So, that’s what Sheriff is doing.
Really though, this is far off topic, yet– has everything to do with this Jussie Smollett case. It’s sloppy and it’s all attention grabbingly related. And quite frankly, I’m sick of it!!!! I can’t stand this at all. I can’t even do my most favorite thing anymore, I can’t watch TV hardly at all. It’s everywhere I look. Now, all I can do is watch the news anymore. You are being told to avoid the news and to put down your phone by goofy gurus, and now, the news is all I watch, and my phone is all I like to play with.
On Feb 14th of 2019, The Last Tradition says this about the MAGA HOAX stuntman’s Trivial Pursuit:

Crying Bitch: Jussie Smollett says he’s ‘pissed off’ that nobody believes his lying ass

If you read the comment section of my story posted about this incident, 90% of people don’t believe Jussie Smollett is telling the truth of what happened that night. And his actions of initially telling the police one thing– and (then) telling TMZ a sensational version of two racists walking around Chicago with a bottle of bleach and a rope in sub–zero temperatures is a bridge way too far (to even think about crossing). It’s only because he’s a celebrity and Gay, (that) this fraud is allowed to continue.
FoxNews reports Jussie Smollett, the “Empire” actor who claims he was attacked in Chicago last month, says he’s angry about “attacks” he’s received from people– that don’t believe, or don’t care, about his allegations.
“I’m pissed off,” Smollett told ABC News’ Robin Roberts in an interview with “Good Morning America,” to air on Thursday.
And, I’ll end this on this note….
If Jussie thinks he’s gonna *act* his way out of this one, or *rocket–skate* his way out of a *conviction*, then he’s got another thing comin’.