

Saturday, February 9, 2019


How They (THE FAR–LEFT) Operate

You might be sitting there, thinking I’m stupid, thinking I’m insane, thinking I’m full of crap…. but when things settle, the truth is so much clearer than you’d think was even possible. What do I mean? Just read on to see what all I have to say about what they’ve done and how it’s all related, and then you be the judge.

First, we’ve got a ten day rule. On one day, you could witness something happening that you didn’t even realize was related, then ten days later, you see the actual tragedy, then ten days later, you see another wild act…. this is a ten day rule they operate by. What they don’t realize is that this ten day rule is not near long enough for people to forget.

Next we’ve got a deflection and loads of denial. When something happens, they rush to the media to cover the whole thing up. They deflect from the topic at hand by making a joke about it and then laughing it off, hoping that you walk away never questioning them ever again. Most of the things in the media are lies, because they have to deny deny deny deny deny deny deny the fact that something even happened, much less deflect it at every chance they get, so you never put one and one together, and in the end nothing ever adds up (at least they hope it doesn’t).


What happens when someone from their crook operation goes rogue? Ask the guy the media is saying threatened the President, Donald J. Trump with gun violence. First, he (who we believe is the same guy) was the Pizza Gate shooter who says he “made a mistake” and that there is no real Pizza Gate scandal (but he looks like someone whom is a trafficker in real life)…. then he’s profiled negatively, yet again, in the media, looking completely different (hairstyle/facial hair), as someone who threatened the life of President Trump. You don’t hear Trump ever talk about it, and you’ve got to ask yourself why this hasn’t become the big deal it obviously should be, had he really and truly threatened the President. But, where and how did he allegedly threaten Trump? Well, you aren’t gonna believe this one, and I am not even making this up when I say that…. it was FACEBOOK content. What? Yup! It was a “threat” posted online, that could have been ANYONE logged into his account, from his home, on his computer, while he’s not there. In fact, someone could log in even more easily…. if they just had his–phone.


Again, ask yourself why this mystery–man isn’t having a much more bigger deal made about his Pizza Gate gun scare. Plus, why isn’t this “supposedly” dangerous man not being more viciously hunted by the American people? The last person that was in the media saying that he actually had contact with the guy is Dog The Bounty Hunter. Perhaps, Mr. Bounty Hunter himself can answer the questions left lingering on this case. But, don’t harass him for the info, because this info could be sensitive to the case, and you might get yourself into trouble for harassing him. I DID NOT MENTION DOG ON HERE FOR YOU TO GIVE HIM UNLIMITED HARASSMENT. I am only making a point, that this man might be a hero because of his willingness to volunteer himself, put himself into direct danger…. just to come to aid for our country. So this is kind of a side–note, but THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE, MR. DUANE “DOG” CHAPMAN, AND ALSO THANKS FOR YOUR KINE INSPIRATION TO DO WHAT YOU GUYS AND GALS DO, AND THAT’S…. KICK ASS!!!! YOU KICK ASS!!!! THANK YOU…. HUGE INSPIRATION!!!! THANK YOU!!!!

Anyways, another part of how they operate? Well, that’s where intimidation and embarrassment come into play. Next thing you know, you’re knee deep in a secretive smear campaign against yourself that you weren’t even aware that you were participating in. How does that even work? Simple, it works the same way that human trafficking kidnapping works. First they send someone into your life to become your friend, then, they use what they secretly have learned about you against you. How is this related to human trafficking? That’s simple too…. they send someone, or people, into your life in order to find your most vulnerable moments, then they convince you to come hang out in an unfamiliar place, usually a trap house…. then once you’re in, you’re in for life.

After reading that, does President Trump’s phrase “UNLIMITED HARASSMENT” come to mind? Because by now, they’ve worked their way into your life with several accounts of people that you feel like you can trust, then without ever knowing it, you’re betrayed by those same people, and the next thing you know, you’re their victim. They’ve got this down to a science, Jim Murren has “allegedly” thrown so much money into this study, that there is no denying that they have this down to a science. So much so, that they can use this for things that have nothing to do with trafficking, and everything to do with your life being a living hell, and their satisfaction of personally harassing you til you want to commit suicide. So now, I question, is Jim Murren also responsible for the deaths of the 22 Veterans a day that kill themselves? Is he what’s wrong with the VA? Because the more we dig into the House of Murren, the more we unearth the fact that he’s more deeply involved in politics than we’ve even been able to give him credit for.

What else can I tell you about how they operate? Heh, I can tell you a lot. But, until we’ve reached a verdict in court, there’s not much I will be at liberty to say. But, I do care about your personal safety, and I do care about the people in your life, so I will end it on this last bit of info. And that’s what they do in the news…. Aside from the people in your life who are not supposed to even be there that are doing whatever they can to influence you for mere hidden (far–left) political agendas, they are also slamming you with human trafficking funded news. That’s right, all our precious people who are dying from the wicked world of trafficking, all their pain experienced from forced–sex multiple times a day, all their sorrow and missing their families, all the times they get beat on and injected with “coma–like inducing drugs”, that’s what’s paying for all this fake news to be released in the media today.

How does that make you feel? How does what you just learned about Jim Murren’s “alleged” (far–left) agenda make you feel? How does it feel to know that every time you went and spent all your money in Vegas, that it was just going into building more brothels that they are disguising as legitimate hotel and casino businesses? How does it make you feel knowing that Vegas is a complete front for a corrupt deep dark underworld? How does it make you feel knowing that Hillary is “allegedly” personally administering this business, and that Mueller and Soros are busy like all hell just trying to cover it all up? No, I don’t like any of this any more than you do. The time to do something about this is now. The longer we wait, the more our children and women, and men and little boys are being victimized and brutalized like you wouldn’t even believe. If you need to be convinced, just surf PornHub and you’ll see SEVERAL accounts of Lockdown houses and Trap houses. Here’s an extremely useful infographic to help you understand exactly what I mean.
