

Friday, February 8, 2019


Hillary Clinton has turned from stumping for the White House to stalking – and her victim is Taylor Swift!

That’s the word from insiders, who tattled to The National ENQUIRER that Hillary is acting more like an obsessed teenybopper than a 67-year-old Democratic candidate, hounding Taylor, 25, with desperate invites to hang out, talk and ultimately jump onto her political bandwagon – along with her legions of fans, of course! “Hillary and her team believe Taylor is everything they need in a high-profile supporter,” divulged an insider. “She’s intelligent, enormously popular and a household name.” But sources told The ENQUIRER that while Taylor is flattered by all the attention, she prefers to stay out of politics and concentrate on making music!


What I’m suggesting is that Jason Aldean ended up being her next best choice. He hunts on TV, plays country & western shows. Thought it would be a foolproof plan. Turns out, I saw him hunting on BuckCommander. I was able to understand him very well just after watching him hunt on that episode. The show enabled me to memorize and learn his physical movements when focused, tensed, and when relaxed. Through this aforementioned televised sighting of him– combined with the lack of steps he took while evacuating from Las Vegas “shooting” unescorted, I was able to deduce that he was lying when I remembered that he previously had a completely different–claim. Rather than tell the truth about his multiple–second taking eyewitness account into exactly what happened right before he ran off stage, Aldean rather lies in public forum.

What Mainstream Media News hasn’t told you (and is afraid to) about the Route Ninety One–Country Music Festival, is that all those guns that they keep saying Paddock is responsible for actually came from John McCain’s many CODEL trips deep into the treacherous Arabic regions. These are the same CODEL trips that White House Speaker, Pelosi, was all Gung–ho about going on. What I am saying is simply this: John McCain flew overseas, human–trafficked in other regions, which in turn pays for lots of guns. You buy a ton of guns and ammo from Arizona Gun Shows, rent a car in Paddock’s name, transport them all to Vegas in less than 5 hours, meet a guy (or more) to do a drop so he (they) can also run some of them to Nashville and other unsuspecting towns a well.

Then, you have to keep this cycle going, because you have a deal with the devil to keep your end of the bargain on, on the other side of the world, and this self–proclaimed “devil–man” happens to frequent the West–coast a lot (thanks to America’s open borders). So what do you do? Traffick women and children from, to, and through America– & into other countries where their captured victims would not be familiar with their surroundings, and often not be able to speak the local language of this new uncharted area they are in. How are they kidnapped so easily? They are first injected with high doses of Heroin, and if the heroin is ever mixed with Fentanyl before a forced–injection, this combination could without a doubt instantly take a life (and easily take a problem off of a trafficker’s hand, or raise new ones).

This devil we spoke of earlier is none other than Jim Murren’s best compadre, Alwaleed Bin Talal (whom owns significant shares in stock in AOL Time Warner “UMBRELLA COMPANY”, which is also an entity that conveniently owns CNN…. and this Talal fellow, he also owns more shares of stock in Twitter than Twitter CEO & Founder, Jack Dorsey). The best part about this is that Murren seems to be just like “Lord” Voldemort. Because Murren seems to have this name that no one shall speak of. If you speak out against him or his “alleged” billion dollar human–trafficking establishment, he casts you into the pits of “The Good Place” proverbial hell.

No matter where you are, no matter what you do, Jim Murren and his “Clinton Sponsored Cartel” of MS13 “Notorious” Mexican Gang Members (whom cause fraudulent car wrecks in order to file frivolous suits that any judge would and respectfully should swat down, yet, corrupt judges allow to be stamped as Granted) will stalk, harass, and haunt you for the remainder of your time here on earth. Murren sells enough kids to be viciously raped, tortured, skinned alive, (once the infant or child is full of adrenaline from all of the sudden shock they are experiencing, you have what’s called “Adrenochrome blood”) to be able to just dispose that “hard–earned” cash wad into your direction in the form of your name being endlessly and viciously dragged through the mud.

Yes, you heard me right, these sick groups of people are harvesting and consuming the blood of these precious and innocent just–born kids (for the baby’s pillaged–blood that they drink that they claim makes them look and feel younger) that are being violently and brutally murdered like they’re in some kind of baby–factory slaughter–house. Have you seen the movie Hostel? Have you seen the movie Blade (BLOOD RAVE PARTY SCENE)? Mash those two movies together, and you can start to understand the whole scheme here that Bill Gates has a heavy hand in. Jim Murren himself would most probably just say that Bill Gates being involved is just more “disposable–income”. And the whole time? They’re trying to shut you up online so that way you don’t, can’t, & won’t– “spill the beans” about their snuff banana stands they have propped up all across the darkest areas of the universe. (MARS ONE?)